That's actually a good question. I've love to see a poll aimed at the general public, something like, "What is Satoshi Nakamoto best known for?" Or maybe a multiple choice "Who made bitcoin?"
I would predict that a majority of people in the west could associate Satoshi with Bitcoin, as the creator or inventor; but not much further. The origin story is so unique that people generally remember that part. It might be the only thing they know about it.
I think people could recall “Bitcoin” >50% if you said “what did Satoshi Nakamoto”, and maybe >40% could recall “Satoshi Nakamoto” if you asked “who make Bitcoin”.
I don't know. I kind of think it would be theater way around...if you asked a more open ended question like, "What did Satoshi make?" I'd be surprised if 20% had a bitcoinish answer. If you asked a more leading question like, "Who made bitcoin?" I'm going to guess >50% would say Satoshi if given multiple choice, but very few could offer a name from memory, like 10%.
And you know what? I've got a situation tomorrow where I might be able to actually ask these questions (or similar). Screw it, I just might do it!
Very interested in your data and results!
31 sats \ 0 replies \ @crrdlx OP 6h
I did the survey, results are here: #710977