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The survey pool contained teachers from K-12 public schools, meaning educators working in primary and secondary education. Adult and tertiary education like college programs didn't factor into the results. In terms of the share of respondents being extremely or very satisfied, most polled aspects ranked between 35 and 46 percent. The outlier was the relationship with fellow teachers, which 7 in 10 survey participants rated as extremely and very satisfactory. More than half of all respondents also said that the relationship with school administrators was either extremely or very satisfactory.
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Teachers always seem to struggle, but they do get 3 months off during the summer.
That's true, and summers for teachers are lighter workload than most other professions. But it's not quite as rosy as some think.
For one thing, you're actually less flexible during the school year because you can't just take any week off for vacation, you can only during breaks when the school is off.
For another, you often have to prep during the summer, since it's very very difficult to prep for a class while simultaneously teaching it.
Don’t forget all the recertification stuff they have to do as well!
Does grade level affect your preparation etc?
Probably, but even a kindergarten teacher would have to prepare to an extent, since it's not just whether you know the material it's whether you can communicate it at the proper level. And for the lower grades you'd probably have to prepare a lot more fun activities and games.
In Portugal, teachers get a pretty long break during the summer, but I'm not sure if it's a full three months. The biggest pain for teachers here is having to move around a lot, especially before they get a permanent job. It takes ages to get there. Sometimes these moves are really far, and they have to uproot their lives and find a new place to live closer to their school. It used to be that teaching was a really respected job, almost like being a doctor.
I’m shocked at how “well” employee benefits and access to resources did. The friends I have that are teachers and my mom who is also a teacher are almost guaranteed to pick one of those two as a huge issue. They sure wouldn’t even label it as somewhat satisfied that’s for sure.
K-12 public schools ?
Yep most at K-5 a couple are 6-8