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The body is not who you are. If it was it would be easy to fix by adding ingredients to continue it's duration. Instead it is a temporary temple for the soul that is never dead. The soul merely moves from desire to desire. Work which is called by the ancients as Karma is also not permanent but it has effects upon the soul and the soul as it intends has proof of work that follows it into its next body. This is why we are humans and this is why we are lesser and greater beings.
As a human you have the greatest opportunity to meet the Supreme Godhead and you have opportunity to degenerate further into materialistic desires. Look at an obese, inactive person he will soon find the body of a swine. Look at a pedophile he will degenerate into a dog, not a wolf. Look at those who sell the carnivore diet they will degenerate into lions and predators with short lives, no hands and constant suffering and chasing pleasure. Look at those who worship war they will not find a great warrior life but they will find that of an army ant.
This life is not even ours but as we are souls we share the qualities of God by independence but our desires are the autonomy that we have which leads to ever changing suffering. When we understand our purpose is for the pleasure of God we vicariously enjoy his pleasure, too.
"Our purpose is to please God" Why would a rational person want to spend his life, his only turn in life, which is to learn, know, enjoy and gain experiences along the way? Why would someone truly capable and intelligent want to spend his life pleasing a superficial entity that only expects your devotion and obedience from you? Why would someone truly awake want to waste his only turn in life worshipping deities of legends and tales invented in ancient times and imposed on human beings by force of sword and blood?