I'm fed up with this concept of tax where some fat guy prints papers, gives them to public and ask them back. If we take into consideration the whole of fiat scam, we see a ear picture. The government says it promises a value to the bearer but in fact, it's the bearer who provides it the worth and then the government asks the worth back... The spiral goes on and on..
When would these governments start to earn for themselves? They've got ressources, they can utilise. But why would these politicians bother when they can get their salary out of people's money and for extra income, they would surely exploit for themselves.
When would these governments start to earn for themselves?
IMF and world bank would never earn for themselves while fiat system is still there. And the biggest beneficiaries of their activity are Europe, North America, Japan, South Koreea. The democracies.
So no. Never when there is still fiat abroad.
Postmodern democracy is a scheme to establish a kind of new feudalism with the difference that the new aristocracy consists of social losers and crap. The dumbest are in power and they are plundering us blind