So I had two bad concussions in high school and the second one I had to be briefly hospitalized and lost 8 months of memory. It was after this that the partial brain seizures started so that is the likely cause.
that's crazy, 8 months of memory loss sounds devastating. does anti-seizure medication help at all?
Yeah I am on Keppra and it definitely helps me manage! There are just some times were really it is out of my control.
well, it's not much, but i wish you the best man and hope your job stays stable
Thanks man! Not everyone has responded kindly to this post or my job even...
I gotta say it always blows me away how people will just judge someone with out knowing them and even worse wish bad things to happen to a complete stranger... I wish I could respond to the message and say hey at least say who you are and don't hide. Say what you want to say with your chest!
well you know how politics is, rips families apart and in the end , not much changes.
true true esp with how people are acting now aday I mean it is just wild