It's darkest just before the dawn. Hang in there. I see a brighter future coming for you. Stick with us here in the wild west.
Thank you! The SN fam really has got to be the best online community out here. Rallying around each other and lending a hand when ya get knocked down. What else could you ask for ya know? It’s just perfect!
It's all blessings when we can zoom our enough.
I rely heavily on stackers to keep the faith. It's a special community.
I had a big seizure a couple years ago. It rocked my brain pretty hard. I think I have had small seizures all my life. But this one was crazy. I bit halfway through my tongue.
11 sats \ 1 reply \ @Cje95 OP 3 Oct
I agree with you. This place just seems to attract nothing but pure class which in today’s world is so so unique.
Prior to my first grand mal that someone saw I had been diagnosed with partial brain seizures after I had a real bad concussion that resulted in 8 months of memory loss. I know my triggers and try my best to avoid them but something I’m just SOL and have to hope and pray I won’t set one off… I wasn’t so lucky this last time!
Geez though with yours I can’t imagine how awful that had to be! I’ve always been concerned about biting my tongue or having one and knocking something off of a table or shelf onto myself but man biting your tongue that bad…. Jesus! Does make for a unique story!
My father had many seizures in his life. And eventually lost his short term memory almost entirely. And I believe it kept him here longer. Mine was isolated..came the day after I had anesthesia for the first time. I'm very sensitive. I learned a lot through it. I feel it was a blessing in disguise. Helped me change my life in positive ways.