In a predictable move by the nanny state, EU apparatchiks are once again meddling where they don't belong. The European Commission, ever-vigilant in its quest to "protect democracy" (read: control information), has set its sights on TikTok, YouTube, and Snapchat.
Under the guise of the Orwellian-sounding Digital Services Act, unelected bureaucrats are demanding these platforms spill their algorithmic secrets. Because apparently, Brussels knows better than millions of users what content they should see.
The commission's thinly veiled attempt at thought control masquerades as concern for "systemic risks" - a conveniently vague term that can justify any level of intrusion. They're particularly interested in how these platforms might influence elections and "civic discourse." Heaven forbid citizens form their own opinions without EU-approved messaging!
In their infinite wisdom, the regulators have given these tech companies until November 15 to comply with their demands. Failure to do so could result in fines - because nothing says "free society" like financial punishment for non-compliance with government overreach.
This latest power grab is just another chapter in the EU's ongoing war against free expression and digital autonomy. One can only wonder what freedoms they'll target next in their relentless pursuit of a sanitized, state-approved internet.
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Following the CCP playbook, the EU is on the same path toward total control and the populace still has no clue, well done!
Davosian trash... nobody will believe what has happened until they wake up in dystopia EUSSR
Brussels is getting in on it too? I thought it was only the UK for a minute.
20 sats \ 1 reply \ @TomK OP 2 Oct
Origin is Davos. The europ. capitals are just the super spreaders of this crap
How long will it take for all this crap to spread?