Ill-gotten millions bought a Bentley, Lamborghini, Tesla X, and crypto, among other things.
The co-owner of a Chicago-based lab has pleaded guilty for his role in a COVID testing scam that raked in millions—which he used to buy stocks, cryptocurrency, and several luxury cars while still squirreling away over $6 million in his personal bank account.
Zishan Alvi, 45, of Inverness, Illinois, co-owned LabElite, which federal prosecutors say billed the federal government for COVID-19 tests that were either never performed or were performed with purposefully inadequate components to render them futile. Customers who sought testing from LabElite—sometimes for clearance to travel or have contact with vulnerable people—received either no results or results indicating they were negative for the deadly virus.
The scam, which ran from around February 2021 to about February 2022, made over $83 million total in fraudulent payments from the federal government's Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA), which covered the cost of COVID-19 testing for people without insurance during the height of the pandemic. Local media coverage indicated that people who sought testing at LabElite were discouraged from providing health insurance information.
But will people learn? Nope, most are fools.
More and more things are being exposed but most people are still clueless. The fraud, the lies, the scams, its so predictable at this point.
Interesting. Tests with no results, or false negatives..... meaning a lot more people probably had COVID than were reported from this lab.
I guarantee you that cost lives.
I hope not. I kinda doubt it did. We will never know. Personally I still don't trust these tests. Even the valid ones.
They gotta catch the next episode of Bridgerton
I don't even know what that is.
Eh, I’ve never seen it, but it’s known as a favorite of the wine moms
Rarely does my ignorance of something feel so good.
But also, now I know...
Even Boris Johnson is turning around, still nobody will be held accountable but is a start
Great, now we just need to figure out where the rest of the $5T printed for covid went.
This is an example of how both individuals and large industries benefited from those who suffered one of the largest health crises in the world, taking advantage of this to profit without caring about the needs of others.
All the covid scandals are coming out. Shows how lame people really are.
I totally agree... the pandemic was a total deception and fraud!! and even today there are people saying "I was saved from that terrible virus thanks to the vaccines that the government gave me and for free"... when everything was coldly calculated by the great elites who want the masses to remain asleep!! and they are filling their pockets to the max!!!! Now how many scams will go unpunished and unsolved and how many people died because of that...
For every testing center/lab like this... how many are not caught or properly audited?
Member the time u had to put a stick into your nose to travel?! Never forget!
When people needed him most, human beings were cruel.