Diamond Hands just dropped the beta release of Diamond Wallet, the first functional self-custodial Lightning wallet from Japan.

The wallet was built using the Breez SDK's Native (Greenlight) implementation.
It includes a new feature they’ve added called 'sats4ads,' where you can earn sats for watching ads.
Here are some of the key features:
  • You can earn sats through 'sats4ads' — just by watching ads in the app.
  • There’s Bolt Link, which is like bit.ly but with Lightning payments. You click a link, watch an ad, and earn bitcoin. Only users with a Lightning channel can claim rewards, keeping it secure and spam-free.
  • It’s self-custodial, so no third parties holding your funds.
Koji Higashi, the co-founder, mentioned that the regulations in Japan make it difficult to offer custodial services, so going the non-custodial route was the best move.
It’s still in beta, but they’re working on adding more features like in-app channel opening, direct ad delivery, interoperability with other wallets, as well as a referral program.
The Diamond Hands team shared a demo on X as well as this blog sharing more details on what they've built. They've also shared more technical details on their GitHub.
If you’re into testing out new stuff, you can find it on Google Play and Apple TestFlight.
I don't see any functional ad watching there.
The video isn't straight forward but it's demonstrating receiving payments while the app is in the background.
It includes a new feature they’ve added called 'sats4ads,' where you can earn sats for watching ads.
I don't see 'satsforads' in app.
10 sats \ 1 reply \ @k00b 2 Oct
Oh I see. I didn't realize you downloaded the app
Hi, try this link for example. https://ads.diamondhands.technology/c/Umbrel
And here is a simple tutorial for how to set up Diamond Wallet for the first time. https://diamondhandsen.substack.com/p/how-to-set-up-diamond-wallet-and
Hi, try this link for example.
And here is a simple tutorial for how to set up Diamond Wallet for the first time. Once you get a channel open, the rest is pretty easy
I've created a bolt link with this thread URL.
You can try it out and earn 50 sats.
very interesting! I downloaded the app and tried to view the test ad which loaded in the wallet but didnt get any sats. anyway its early days and excited to see where this project goes.
You need to open a Lightning channel first. (Send sats from other LN compatible wallets or import seed from other Breez SDK compatible wallets)
Follow this tutorial and try again.
Hope you can experience the whole bolt link process and give us feedback!
Prob some key log installed to take people wallets
What makes you think that?
Well, I understand there are lots of scams around "free sats" type of services.
In our case, our business model will be around earning sats without doing KYC and it's likely not going to be free to use. "Free" is dangerous and not sustainable, so we're going to figure out a sustainable model eventually. Right now, it's still in beta and experimental.
it's all in japanese, not sure where to click lol
I think the language setting refers to your device language setting, but it's not working? Also you can change the language setting from the setting page in the app. Let me know if you succeed switching the language
Diamond Hands is leading the Japanese Bitcoin scene. Was one of my favorite LN peers too.
Hey, sorry to hear the DH Node is not your favorite anymore! We were busy preparing for the Bitcoin Tokyo conference for a while, but now it's come to a successful close, we'll try to become more active in routing and get back to the game hopefully.
We're doing a lot with a small team and need to find someone to help operate our node actually. We'll see what we can do about it
Oh, I'm sure it would still be. I just have stopped running my routine node ;)
Have some sats @kojisan. This way, your next comments will have better visibility (freebie comments have reduced visibility).
I would actually be interested in an ~AMA from your side. I do wonder how the Bitcoin scene in Japan is like, and you seem like the right person to ask. Your company shows up in everything Bitcoin related in Japan.
@kojisan Awesome idea!! You in, @kojisan? We could set this up real quick!
Certainly! We can answer any questions about Bitcoin and Japan.
We just concluded the Bitcoin Tokyo 2024 conference successfully, too and we'd love to spread the word about it and what's happening in Japan, too
@benwehrman Are you in charge of AMA sessions on Stacker? Let me know what I can do to make it happen. It sounds fun!
Btw, I have just created my personal account on Stacker News, but I had a different account in the past and have been a fan of the Stacker for a long time. It's very cool that Stacker News have been maintaining an very active community, which is no easy task.
Excellent! It'd be awesome to have you on fairly soon while the conference is still fresh on your mind, would you be able to do this Saturday morning, 8AM Tokyo time (Friday, 7PM ET)?
I think that'd be our best bet on a time that would work for both USA and Japan. Let me know if you're in, and shoot me an email at ben@stacker.news so I can throw you on the calendar and hype it up across the socials!
(Or if that time doesn't work, we have openings the week of Oct. 14-17 too, just let me know)
Let's do it. 8am Sat morning JST(about 24 hours later from now) is fine by me.
I just need to be available at the time and answer any questions on SN by text, correct?