How alternative are you, really? Are you alternative enough to consider how the stars might be an influence in your life? I'm talking Vedic. I'm talking Natal charts, not sun signs alone. If you want to use this thread to ask some fundamental question, I'll answer it, probably. Else, I'll make something up. Some of you probably all ready think that's what I'd be doing anyway, so you won't go away unhappy.
Are humans really just another animal, plain and simple?
homo sapiens, individuals, humans, persons are animals. 1 man = 1 man
1 man = 1 man
Unfortunately, it's not always that way!
not a man =/= man
That's a pretty broad question. The answer that I will provide concerns a more Vedic perspective. Vedic astrology is great for questions about the soul. Tropical astrology is good for questions about the psyche, which is how the psychology chooses to express the soul. Animals, as you might surmise, do not have the same kind of souls as people as a general rule. Some, however, might get closer than others. Introspection makes people different than the animals, and indeed, meditation is a kind of introspection which confirms the suspicion.
have a look at the thesis of electric universe claims...
it gives a slightly less woo veneer to star charts.
I have also read that it's able to predict earthquakes
Yes, I've read this kind of material before, but this site does a great job of explaining the concepts it is discussing visually. Magnetics/plasma/ether--most of these ideas overlap the notion that there is a bio electric field and that field interacts with everything else. The planets, the theory goes, are large bodies that influence how the electricity/gravity plays out in this solar system, and so influence the "magnetic water" or fluid into which a person is born and therefore shapes, in part, how they experience life.
10 sats \ 1 reply \ @zapsammy 2h
what is the significance of Valentine's day 2025?
Before Catholicism, it honored a Gnostic fellow. The Catholic church made it a holiday about love instead, and burned the Gnostics claiming they were heretics. Therefore, Valentine's day is always a day where people are tying into a type of passion play that ultimately worships Mary, the Mother, as a kind of equal to God and the Messiah. In short, fire.