The increasingly inaccurately named weekly crossword puzzle is up!
Since @OneOneSeven is the general reigning winner of these, the theme this week is UFOs!

Last week's puzzle still has an unclaimed bounty on it, although somebody's already made 7000 sats from a deposit by @OneOneSeven himself. If you would also like to contribute to this bounty-avoider, you can do so at bc1qswcrkuu5mfs2vg9y52xc2543zmnqmz3j9jwnyn, but I'd just recommend solving the damn riddle yourself.
I've decided to give this week's bounty to the first person to finish the crossword to go back to simplicity for a bit. So if you're a dumb dumb like me and find that @south_korea_ln's new fun daily puzzles are just too hard, this is the opportunity for you!