How many major US corporations do not rely upon Chinese supply chains? You do not seem to understand the Trading with the Enemy Act.
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I am not sure you understand the American Political process. If Congress declared war on a country something that hasn't happened since WWII and has only happened in 1812, the Mexican-American War, the Spanish War, and WWI I am not sure anyone is going to care about consumables. The DAA kicks in and America's economy overnight changes. We saw a little peak of it during COVID with something stuff the US never made I mean Tesla was making ventilators for gods sake. Your TV's Crayons and dolls wouldn't matter.
Existing supply chains go right out the window because we arent making the same things.
America's economy overnight changes.
What if that's the intention?
Supply chains take time to change. Currently USA is hostage to Chinese supply chains. China has won the trade war because China produces almost everything from crayons to EV batteries more efficiently at a lower cost. Chinese EV manufacturers can source batteries at half the cost Tesla can. Tesla is only viable due to taxpayer funded subsidies. ie western manufacturing is not competitive and only continues as a burden and driver of increasing fiscal deficits. Supply chains are hugely important in war and you cannot magic up many of them as you seem to imagine. When USA finally entered WW2 it held most of the worlds gold reserves- today the USA is technically insolvent and only sustained via its global fiat monetary hegemony. WW3 has already begun and it clearly will not be comparable to WW2 as it is much more on multiple levels of technology and asymmetric warfare as well as control of protocols for example SWIFT bank payments which China can now provide an alternative for with its CBDC DCEP which Iran and Russia now use to receive payment for oil and gas exports and to pay for imports of multiple manufactured goods from PRC. China intends to reverse engineer the legacy western imperialist banking system via Hong Kong and has already begun.