The link for this post uses a read-only front-end for Twitter, which can be easier to read for viewing a full Twitter thread. The Tweet that kicked off the thread is:
Day 5 🧵
It's KPMG day, rise and shine! In 90 minutes, court will be back in session. #WeAreAllHodlonaut

Day Four (Thursday):
Hodlonaut vs Wright case Day 4 #70258

Day Three (Wednesday):
Hodlonaut vs Wright case day three #69774

Day Two (Tuesday):
Hodlonaut v Craig Wright Defamation Trial - Day 2 #69541 [Nitter]

Day One (Monday):
Thread with LiveTweeting of Hodlonaut v Wright in Oslo 🧵 #68804
Day Six (Monday, 19 September 2022):
Hodlonaut vs Wright case Day 6 🧵 #71672
Thanks for the extra links, keeping all nicely bundled in.