Totally agree!
For me at least from now it will be a matter of how much I can talk about openly, I'm fine with risk but also need to make a living through all of this...
Which of course is where Bitcoin and uncensorable platforms is key!
the more we speak the truth, the more we shall be free, because there are way more people than we think who are waiting to speak! i get really surprised sometimes, when i go off on a rant, and the listener totally agrees and says "i knew this for a while!"
interesting maxims of law i found (from law dictionaries):
"Quaeras de dubiis, legem bene discere si vis. Inquire into them, is the way to know what things are really true."
"Veritatem qui non libere pronunciat, proditor est veritatis. He who does not speak the truth, is a traitor to the truth."
"Veritas nihil veretur nisi abscondi. Truth fears nothing but concealment."
For me it will be about two possible routes:
If Bitcoin does a 5-20x into 2025
I do expect this to happen. I will then keep buidling what I am doing here, with an offshore corp added as well as traveling to the jurisdictions that "get it", building a resource site for Rebel Nomads on top of those events. It will be a highly curated space for natural reasons, can't afford getting the wrong people in!
If we go into WW3 and serious, global chaos
Well this is still very much on the table... I'll then have to ramp up my Rebel Nomad activities in a major way, doing the same on a shoestring budget, combining highly subversive activity online with connecting with the right people on the ground. Organizing will be even more risky, but also necessary! It will then be more organic and offline, I guess...
Hell, seems I'm headed for a career as a Rebel Nomad regardless of what happens hahaha!!
who are the rebels, really? those who have given up truth in pursuit of false gods, false prophets, and false profits.
subtle yet correct distinction there: if i go about my business sober-minded like a normal man, then who are the insane clowns telling me i should do otherwise?
can there be such a thing as a corporation of men? maybe an alliance or tribe, with full disclosure, is a more proper description. if we do not use the fallen ways and fallen language, we cannot fall.