Well, it happened. I really expected a last minute deal with either Biden or Harris taking credit for saving the day.
I have heard two theories on why the government ignored this situation:
  1. It's all part of the grand plan to foment covid style chaos right before the election.
  2. The administration didn't want to look like it was siding with management against the working class longshoremen.
Who knows?
I think chaos is the byproduct more than the plan itself, there's no singular point of control and so everything is just a piece on a chessboard, the chaos is a result of the fog of war.
I've been trying to determine why this piece might be in play to get a gauge on how long it might last and therefore its impact. Saw today that the union was offered a 50% pay increase and automation protections and it was a non-starter. Harold Dagget, the union boss, seems like he's out of central casting and I'm guessing on a regular day would probably be a Trump guy. No doubt in my mind at this point that this its all staged.
But, why stage it? Some top-line possibilities:
Pure Optics:
The low hanging fruit would be to make the Biden-Harris admin look inept, but that would be beating a dead horse. This could force them to invoke Taft-Harley, which would further erode democrat support by unions, and could even set the stage for a SCOTUS ruling or congressional action in the next administration.
Increasing likelihood for WW3 to move away from the shadows go overtly hot would necessitate shutting down some ports to concentrate the security apparatus around fewer (more critical) ports. A union shutdown achieves this with added levers of deception. I would think the Baltimore bridge incident is not unrelated given its naval importance.
Less imports means less dollar exports, this could have any number of effects on the global financial system and domestic monetary velocity (inflation/deflation). Could also justify firing up the money printer.
Reality is its probably some combination of the 3, nothing is random, everything has meaning. 🍿
here we go @siggy47
He does seem maga.
This makes me think this is settled pre-election with Trump as the hero deal-maker... onto the fake Iran stuff...
Global mass murder is undoubtedly the plan
  1. They share 1 brain cell
21 sats \ 1 reply \ @siggy47 OP 16h
This is probably the winner