Just been looking at the map of USA and saw there are quite a few big States on the western and middle part of it. Suddenly this poopped up in my mind. Why not they make some more states? The smaller they are, the better they might be.
If you ask me then I think we could probably divide California or Texas into five states each, respectively. Or you could admit Puerto Rico as a State… and only divide up California and Texas into 3 states each. Dallas, Oklahoma and Austin (where our SN headquarters are), can be turned into states. Are they not big enough?
So, why not you share your ideas on this and tell everyone —
If you could add one more to 50 states of USA, where would it be and why?
What makes you think the larger states would be “better” if they were smaller? I’m not agreeing or disagreeing, I’m just wondering what would make it better by being smaller
You can take Quebec. No good frenchies.
I wish
Are you a fan of Quebec?
I'm there. We're not all statist cucks I promise :') (though it does feel lonely sometimes)
Invade us USA
Oh another fellow Canadian, nice. My mom was born in the Montreal area and I still have a lot of family out that way.
Quebec is one of those places that has a rich culture (and one distinct from the rest of Canada), and has so much potential to shine but I see all that potential is squandered by big nanny govt, idiotic liberal policies and frankly, as the COVID era has shown to my chagrin, a population that's become so subdued and sheepish, celebrates mediocrity and settling for less, and is allergic to success.
It survived centuries of systemic oppression and assimilation attempts from the english, just to turn out like this?
It's so very sad.
Thankful for bitcoin, via meeting other local bitcoiners, for giving me hope that not everyone here is just okay with swallowing the bs or waiting for the govt to solve everything.
Ukraine isn't the 51st state?
I think it is 52 because germany is 51.
41 sats \ 1 reply \ @k00b 30 Sep
I don't know. On some level, I'd rather see some states leave America. I think Texas and California could do well on their own - resources, ports, and a border with a non-NATO country.
Interesting! A country born out of states. I didn't think this one.
Please take israel so the never ending war in the middle east will be over. Take it away from middle east and place it near the east coast.
Puerto Rico ffs
Probably Puerto Rico. Or split California
the natural world has as many states as there are men and women, who can form alliances at will. by the way, there are 51 states; D.C. is a state of its own.
DC doesn't have members in the Senate
it's a state nonetheless. one state to rule them all. search and read UCC 9-307 (h)
i have witnessed all sorts of reactions of people to this finding.
if u will continue to object, i shall go on to explain that there are actually 101 states.
UCC 9-307 (h)
I take this as a convention for the purposes of contract and exchange of goods. I don't take this to supersede the USA constitution. I take it in the same way as one might say a corporation is headquartered in a particular location, but having branches in many places.
different folders in the same organizer cabinet. U.S.A. (copyrighted) is flat land. paper. bonds.
all of the people who signed the original constitution the document are dead. that contract is over.
it's all mind control since then. "gubernare the mens"
It was always mind control. Not just since then
Q: so we are arguing over technicalities of mind control? A: always have been.
I think they should not add more states, that would create more bureaucracy and corruption than already exists.
This map always reminds me how artificial borders are.