I spent 25 years, in a past life, doing electrical work for a company that was started by my step father. I worked my way up quickly, and by the end, I was the owner. All I did at that point was drive around, tell people what to do, go to meetings, make bids, etc. I left that company behind about 6 years ago. And other than delivering pizzas for a bit, I really haven't worked a regular job since.
For the last few weeks, I have been doing handyman work for an old woman. She is in pretty rough shape and she really can't get around very well. All she does is go to church and get chemotherapy treatments. Her husband passed about a year ago. I feel bad for her. She is very lonely. In large part, I think she pays me to have company a couple days a week.
Most of what I have been doing is quite labor intensive. Pulling a bunch of weeds with my hands, yard clean up, painting, roof repairs, stuff like that. I don't charge her much at all. It's a small fraction of what I was used to making remodeling fancy Scottsdale homes in the past. And I wasn't even doing the hard parts. And yet, it's the most fulfilled I have felt in a long time. Helping someone directly who is in need. Making a few bucks. Working out my body. It all feels amazing. It reminds me of when I was a young kid going door to door, asking anyone and everyone if they needed help with yard work. It felt so good making money for the first time on my own, and using my body. I would love to hear from you all. What kind of lessons have you learned from working hard or helping others in need. What drives you and makes you want to work hard?
Congratulations, you are awesome.
And I wasn't even doing the hard parts. And yet, it's the most fulfilled I have felt in a long time. Helping someone directly who is in need. Making a few bucks. Working out my body. It all feels amazing.
This is the true meaning of life. It not actually difficult. Fiat makes life difficult and miserable. Depending on how we apply it, Bitcoin helps us live happy and fullfilled lives.
The most rewarding thing about what you do is that you work for pleasure and for a just and noble cause, and although you may not fill your pockets with large amounts of FIAT, I think it is a very favorable, valuable and fair labor. In the end, it puts a few dollars in your pocket and most importantly, you feel good! There is nothing worse than living daily for a job that does not make you happy, that does not excite you or does not inspire you at all.
There is nothing worse than living daily for a job that does not make you happy, that does not excite you or does not inspire you at all.
I totally agree.
I agree. When I had my business I could have taken it anywhere I wanted. Could have made a ton of money. But it was soul sucking. It literally was killing me. I feel pretty good about how I spend my energy now.
Excellent and I congratulate you for noticing what was happening, many people 👥 do not realize that their jobs consume them, until it is too late. They only notice it when they lose their family or when a health problem due to work invades them. They spend their lives obsessed with searching for papers, papers that are not capable of sustaining your life in your old age. If in the process and time of working life you do not accumulate real hard money, it does not matter how much you work and how many papers you save in the end it will only be paper and it will have cost you your freedom.
Great musing.
Last week, I was about to leave for home when my coworker asked me for suggestions for his upcoming lesson observation. So, I brainstormed some ideas with him. At the end of it all, he mentioned something about how his previous observations hadn’t gone well, so I was glad to be his sounding board and reassuring voice
I often do work on the side of my office role doing yard work rink removal etc and there is nothing better then getting some hard work done. Not sure if it’s because I don’t do it all the time and if I was doing it full time I’d probably feel great doing some office stuff on the side haha it could be a case of the grass being greener ?
I think so. If I did this work full time, it would get old fast. I only do it a couple days, a few hours at a time.
I do treat it like a paid workout which makes it easier
Yeah. It feels really good. It's like getting 2 for one. Instead of paying for a gym.
Doing selfless tasks is also good for the soul. You and others.
I agree. Sometimes I get so lost in my self, and just moving and thinking about someone else feels so good.
Clearing your mind, giving yourself that mental boosts lasts for a while.