Here is a powerful song from Judas Priest, dedicated to all banksters. I post this video that include the lyrics, pay attention to them... is even mentioned: "there's no second best" hahahaha FUCK THE BANKSTERS ! WER ARE COMIN' FOR YOU ALL MOTHERFUCKERS!
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How do you find all these obscure songs to fit your narrative? lol
obscure? LOl I listen Judas Priest for about 40 years, from when I was a kid... ! Judas Priest are THE METAL GODS!
Pay attention to these lyrics too, perfectly fit for Bitcoin!
Listen Judas Priest - Lightning strike... another one that fits perfectly with Bitcoin LN
or Judas Priest - No Surrender !
For me personally the "No Surrender" song is my Bitcoin motto. I will never fucking surrender in front of the banksters. NEVER.
I agree with you, these songs fit bitcoin well. I have just never heard of them before.
@DarthCoin is an old metal head. Well, not that old. I think of Judas Priest as new. Black Sabbath started it all.
Yes, JP started as an intro to Black Sabbath in concerts... Imagine me in '82, a 10 years old kid, living in a pure communist regime, getting in my hands an illegal cassette with JP - Another thing comin'... I was already a rebel, but after listening that song, my blood start boiling...
Music is powerful.
Not just music, but the nostalgia.
indeed,... I could say that heavy metal music forged me in fire, during my rebel youth. In a communist regime, like I lived for 20 years, the rock/heavy metal was the escape valve, that gave us hope...
A perfect example is this song "Blood red skies", again from JP. It was launched exactly before the communist regime fall and the song was an eye opener for me and others.
You won't break me You won't make me You won't take me, Under blood red skies I'll stand my ground I won't go down
The lyrics here: "Blood Red Skies"
As the sun goes down, I move around Keeping to the shadows Life, hangs by a thread And I've heard it said, that I'll not see tomorrow
If that's my destiny, it'll have to be So I'll face the future Running out of time I'm on the line But I'll go down fighting
Felt the hand of justice Telling wrong from right Threw me out upon the street in the middle of the night
Cybernetic heartbeat Digital precise Pneumatic fingers nearly had me in their vice
Not begging you I'm telling you
You won't break me You won't make me You won't take me, Under blood red skies
You won't break me You won't take me I'll fight you under blood red skies
Through a shattered city, watched by laser eyes Overhead the night squad glides The decaying paradise
Automatic sniper With computer sights Scans the bleak horizon for its victim of the night
They're closing in They'll never win
You won't break me You won't take me You won't make me, Under blood red skies
You won't break me You won't take me I'll fight you under blood red skies
As the end is drawing near Standing proud, I won't give in to fear As I die a legend will be born I will stand, I will fight You'll never take me alive I'll stand my ground I won't go down
You won't break me You won't make me You won't take me, Under blood red skies
You won't break me You won't take me just I'll face you under blood red skies
You'll never take me alive I'm telling you Hands of justice I will stand, I will fight Never surrender As the sun goes down I won't give in to fear
I am fucking love this song! Nobody will break me!
Im not really into metal, so it is a bit new to me.
This was a huge hit in the US.