I've been living like an ancap since I walked away from everything mid 2020, 3 companies, a work permit and visa, part of a house and most of my belongings.
It was that, or maybe perishing in the bioweapons scamdemic!
YOLOing hard into Bitcoin and gold saved my ass, and since then I've used my fiat accounts as ramps. Now even that is impossible, so when we get into the manic phase I'm looking at selling some for cash, which is then converted to gold.
Stablecoins and Monero are simply a necessity for me, in many way I'm living the same way a lot of people do outside of the West, I have to be practical about things all the way!
Which is why having some Monero for VPNs and whatnot along with some stablecoins for flights and such makes sense.
And unless I'm a total outlier I do believe that the reality I live also is the reality which will shape adoption, at least for the part of the economy that will remain somewhat free...
Good luck to you +1
Thanks, and the same!
More often than what most believe luck is actually something we can create :-)