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I would suggest you to read this: #686524
Thanks DarthCoin. That's a cool name. It seems like you are a hero on here, like Luke Skywalker. How did you choose a Darth Vador reference for your name and picture?
no, I am not a "hero". I am just the guy that speak the truth. Truth that few wants to hear.
did you read my bio? Advice: on SN, when you start talking with somebody you don't know (yet), first thing look into their SN bio. It's the mirror of their soul.
It seems like you are a good guy hero here and darth vador was the villian. But I dont know much about star wars beyond a couple movies.
darth vador was the villian
now you are insulting me:
  • it is Darth Vader, not vador...
  • Darth Vader was never a villain but the chosen one to bring balance into The Force. Seems that 99% of people watching Star Wars still do not fucking get it!
I guess I didn't get it. i didn't mean to insult you. Im sorry.
thanks for talking to me. I was trying to be nice. I didn't mean to be insulting.
is fine, was just a joke.
deleted by author
no need to sorry. Just prove yourself to be worth it for the "Darth badge". And watch again Star Wars entirely, including all series. So you will get it.
I am not really that into star wars so I dont think i will do that. There is a lot of movies, isnt there?
What is the darth badge?
I've sent you a post to read, but seems that you ignore reading it. Bad, that's really bad. When Darth is sending you something to read... YOU READ IT, FOR REAL.