I'm pretty sure manifold uses LMSR, we compared our dynamic pricing with manifold and the results were same.
Oh, interesting!
I'm very curious to learn about how you built your orderbook. Would love to see the code snippet, I promise I won't steal :)
No worries, happy to share! The matchmaking is in this commit. I linked to the query that I think you'll be the most interested in.
The main problem with that code was that orders required a 1:1 match. So it wasn't possible to match orders partially. If you wanted to sell X shares, another user had to buy all of them at once, it couldn't be multiple users with smaller orders. I wanted to add that later.
Don't try it out but it does happens now, Its shows as "Active Orders" which never gets fulfilled.
Oh, so that's what these active orders are about. I must admit, I did try to see if and how you handled this problem. You have to trust me that I would have reported it if I saw some way for infinite arbitrage 👀
Just checked your SQL query, very complex 🤓 and you wrote everything in GO, that's really dope. I will explore your code in more details. Thank you sharing! Very helpful. We will definitely need independent order match at some point of time if we grow big. So we better start thinking about it now.
Yes please do report any infinite arbitrage, I would very much expect that from you :) BTW if you or anyone lost sats due to "Active Orders" issue, please me know. Happy to refund it.