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What? You're telling me that a medicine that was known to be very safe didn't kill tens of thousands of people? That's pretty far-fetched.
I drank tonic water a lot as a kid. My father always gave it to me for growing pains.
And somehow you survived
I didnt even know it was supposedly dangerous. I had always heard it was good for malaria.
Now do one for ivermectin
HCQ treats malaria and rheumatoid arthritis and lupus
Very few people outside the Western world actually believed this obvious lie, and in turn, they tried to make sense of reality with all sorts of wild crazy conspiracy theories. For example, it's very common in my country of origin, where malaria is very prevalent and people treat themselves with hcq all the time, for people then to believe that "Whites" created the COVID vaccine, or COVID, to exterminate them. You will hear it even on TV etc and no one will get outraged by it. This is also why Russia is popular on the ground, despite all evidence that they are actually more harmful.
White people did create the covid booster lol