“It is dangerous territory. The question is, will this belt-tightening have any benefit? What comes next? Can he actually control public sector spending? Can he shore up the currency? Without doing that, you’ve just created poverty,” he said.
  1. It's, of course, a mix of manipulation and lies. If you know me from other comments on politics, I'm unabashedly pejorative when this kind of things come out. But this time I don't have adjectives, I'm genuinely horrified at this level of manipulation.
  2. Poverty didn't "soared to over 50%", it decreased from 56% last year to 52% up to this month. You know the gig: you can't derive conclusions from an isolated data point but from tendency. Taking isolated data is a predilect manipulation strategy from media. I know you know that but in this case I concede it's so obscene that one can't not think they would be playing games and that they have a limit. They don't. Never trust media.
  3. No last resort help has been cut whatsoever, anywhere. That's not even manipulation, it's straight up a lie. Continued and increased assistance is the reason the country as been steadily stabilizing and there has not been social unrest other than the protests organized by the syndicate mobs which are losing their feudal schemes.
  4. Never trust media. Ever.
Bias is one thing. Blatant manipulation and lies are more serious and should be dismissed.
I honestly can not believe it. This is an orwellian level of manipulation of information. My first lecture is that they are desperate because, indeed, this is working, and they have interests that depend on Milei being proved wrong.
Thanks for setting things straight. Good to have reports from boots on the ground.
At your service Sr, and thank you for bringing up the subject, we didn't saw it here yet and I presume they might have tried to limit demographic visibility to avoid immediate backlash from us, so that they can achieve the desired impact effect, which is the one that will shape public opinion the most even if latter proved false. It's a classic manipulation strategy, we know all of them here...
I'm not on the ground, and this reporting might be biased...
Cutting government spending, austerity measures, all good...
But cutting last resort helps such as soup kitchen sounds a bit extreme...
The Guardian might be biased
Wish it would be just "biased" but in this case I'm horrified at the level of manipulation and lies.
Bell_curve might be biased ;)
We're all biased.
Just read from a wide array of viewpoints.
The Guardian lies and hates capitalism.
The Guardian ignores the disasters before Milei
They are trying to paint a fictional picture of Argentina before Milei, it wasn't that bad! Hyper inflation is not so bad!
Wide array of viewpoints is a good thing but it depends on your selection. The Guardian is garbage when it pretends to cover economics and inflation.
The Guardian is no a source for truthful and reliable news.
This headline is misleading because inflation makes everyone poor. GDP per capita has plummetted in Argentina pre Milei
Poverty soars to over 50%? That implies that poverty rate was under 50 percent pre Milei, does anyone believe this? anyone with a brain and common sense
We wont know until we wait a while and see how it ripples through the system. Might be good, might be bad.
It has been really good. We are doing Ok (from where we where of course). This is all the left.
The economic situation in Argentina actually has many prospects. The arrival of Javier Milei to the presidency, which has implemented some radical changes in the country's economy, has created an exponential increase in poverty due, according to him, to the erroneous measures of his predecessors.
Weirdly, the better move may have been to continue paying the IMF and THEN do all of this.
This is what needs to be done though no doubt about that. All of the business networks and career goals of everyone all need to shift to match the new economy. That can be rough for a few years.