If there are any bitcoiners left who worship this guy, please read.
Dude is a tyrant. Maybe slightly different than the current ones but make no mistake. He isn't a friend of liberty.
He's not the next Hitler though. Not yet. It's all so tiresome.
I used to stay up all night watching the election returns. I am pretty sure I enjoyed it. I don't know what I was thinking.
It amazes people when I say I don’t follow politics, don’t watch the debates, etc
Nobody believes me.
I was just talking to another disenfranchised friend about how to de-register from voting and thought... its been a while since someone asked me about voting.
Many people almost lose it when I tell them I'm not voting... its like their brain just locks up. I find it entertaining to watch.
Murderers, terrorists and pedophiles should be justly tried based on the available evidence and punished.
But I would defend their basic human right to private communication and keeping information secret.
If that means some crimes will go unpunished, that's a price I am willing to pay. A justice system cannot prevent 100% of crimes anyway, at least not without completely enslaving the population.
I agree
Did you know in disney movies, the bad guy cant use an apple phone. I find it weird they are pushing this narrative, and even the assassins end up using apple phones.
I thought it extended beyond Disney. I thought just in general, Apple didn’t grant permission for antagonists to use iPhones. Definitely could be wrong though
Im not sure, maybe it is all of hollywood? I wouldnt be surprised.