From Steven Greer's archive, 2000 when this email was written:
Currently a full professor of Aeronautical Engineering at St. Louis University, Paul Czysz teaches hypersonic aerodynamics. He spent 7 years at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base as an officer and as a civilian researcher; 29 years as an engineer at McDonnell-Douglas specializing in faster-than-sound aircraft design.
Part One:
Part Two:
Paul talks about how a majority of UFO sightings since the 50's are probably US military testing new tech. Tech that an everyday person could probably have explained to them, and they'd say "okay, I could see how that's possible." But he maintains that the 10-15% remain so unexplainable, that they must be created by something that wasn't us.
You know what is a shame? We dont use the concorde anymore.