Howdy there, partner! Welcome on into the Stacker Saloon.
Saddle on up to a stool and spill the beans about your day, fire away with them questions, or let loose and give us the lowdown on your wild and woolly life. We're all ears, so don't hold back!
We're open round the clock, so mosey on in whenever you please!
Usually my referrals die off after a while, catapulting me to square one, but it seems that some peeps amidst my 38 referrals are still posting and commenting strong on Stacker News. In fact, my referral rewards have surpassed the ones I earn from my own writing. I now routinely receive 1000 sats per day, which is not life-changing but enough to buy half a cup of coffee and enable my caffeine addiction.
Ngl, I’m writing this so that the Universe will send more referrals my way. I’m not greedy; I’m just aiming for one free cup of coffee per day.
Hi Music Lovers
Listen to the funniest Songs ever here #702605
A friendly reminder to @BitcoinAbhi @Athena @TheMorningStar @IamSINGLE and @TheWildHustle to submit their songs.
SN today:
You gotta up the resolution on that one lol
40 sats \ 0 replies \ @ek 23h
I love it when the zoom makes it smaller
Yeah. Quiet before the storm?
Bring the rain
@jasonb no more SN crosswords? The masses shall revolt.
I was kind of waiting to see if @OneOneSeven was going to claim the bounty, as that would send me in the foo-fightin' direction for next "week." He did get the first two though, so I guess I'm deciding right here and now to do that anyway.
Also, I've been kind of distracted with this:
I'll explain more later, but long and the short of it is, I'm very excited for halloween this year.
Apologies to anyone that read the slap-happy version of this comment before I thought to re-read and subsequently edit.
I think we need to solve the last one, but I'm kinda stumped lol.
Somebody figured it out, because those 7000 sats you sent are gone and it wasn't me. They haven't claimed the bounty though, which I find odd. If I haven't shared yet, a clue is that there are only two words in the seed-phrase. It's similar to the "bacon" wallet in that regard.
Okay, I've had another 'ah ha' moment, or rather an 'omg DUH' moment.
Do you count 'clean' (on the BIP list) inside of cleaner as a word? Or only standalone words?
They’re both standalone words.
Did I miss the last one?
Last one was the Sports Crossword, you solved the crossword but not the riddle for the bounty.
100 sats \ 3 replies \ @ek 27 Sep
The millennial in me really doesn’t like phone calls so I’m reading this now
While we all agree that phone calling is a big no-no, the use of voice notes has split the younger generations. In the Uswitch survey, 37% of 18-34s say voice notes are their preference of communication. In comparison, only 1% of 35 to 54-year-olds prefer voice messages over a call.
I also don’t like voice messages
I am not a millennial but I generally prefer email or text over phone calls other than in situations where a quick call would resolve or clarify an issue much faster than back and forth emails and texts. Millennials and Gen Z need to learn sometimes it is easier to just pick up the phone for 2 minutes.
My closest friend is the CFO of a publicly traded company in Canada and this is a big gripe of his in working with younger generations.
I was born in '81 (Star Wars generation), but definitely identify more with Gen X than Millennial, and it's partly because of this very thing. I just need that human connection of hearing someone's voice more often than not.
We aren't too far apart. I am a bit older than you. I guess I am a late gen X and you are an early millennial.
@dagny761 knows a thing or two about this...
@k00b @ek has there been any consideration to adding MFA to stacker accounts? Not just alternate authentication methods, but step-up authentication. It would seem pretty important for stackers that have high balances (or high balances on linked wallets), and also for territory owners. Ideally TOTP that can be configured with an open source authenticator app.
154 sats \ 3 replies \ @ek 27 Sep
No ticket yet but it's a good idea
πŸ‘ I can open one
⚑Stacker News Live, at 4pm CST, at PlebLab
Absolute green in the monsoon in India.
188 sats \ 1 reply \ @suraz 27 Sep
welcome to the dark side of the moon
I'll work on installing graphène os on my phone this weekend. Isn't it ironic that they only support Google phones?
21 sats \ 0 replies \ @ek 27 Sep
I heard it's because Google Pixels have the best hardware support for security features.
I think you can use GrapheneOS on any device, it just might not work as well.
see you guys in Denmark!
here is a really funny (imho) russian movie about a russian man who wished to go to Dutch prison, with english subtitles. highly recommend.
Working remotely so I can spend time with my stepmom in her final hours. Cancer sucks. Stupid fiat food!
Thanks, she is a woman of strong faith waiting for the lord to take her home.
I’m so sorry. Take care
Has it ever happened to you that you migrate to escape communism and then the shitty leftists start consuming that country too? - I don't know about you, but it's happening to me. I have to plan to leave again.
Day 113 POD (Proof of Donation)
Day 245 of the #100aDayTil100k challenge, sets breakdown: 4x36 normal/narrow; Total: 144 (Day 349 of 100+ pushups per day in total; day 248 of 120+ pushups per day)
Hey! Before you go away for the weekend... Which Lightning node implementation are you running?
I hate that Primal still doesn't support remote sign-ins. Copy pasting your nsec is an anti pattern we should get away from.
163 sats \ 0 replies \ @ek 27 Sep
Thanks for the reminder, we have remote signing in the pipeline but I wanted to look if simply using ndk would make the code easier to maintain.
I am talking about SN if that wasn't clear
use browser extension nos2x or alby extension.
I didn't make it clear but I was referring to their android app, but actually, I think their web app also follows the same anti pattern.
nostr on mobile is quite lame. I use it 99.9% on desktop. Mobile is exclusively for answering wife (desperate) calls and pay with LN wallets.
I'm there complete opposite. 99% mobile. πŸ˜„
Sometimes I'll go even further... letting my mobile device at home. Simply do not want to have it with me where I go.
My goal is not to touch it at least one hour before bed time. I'm still working on it.
118 sats \ 0 replies \ @k00b 27 Sep
The biggest, general mistake companies make is prioritizing the short term interest of the company over the interest of the customer. The interest of the customer is the long term interest of the company.
"Bitcoin will fix it " is the answer if you can guess the question.
after much contemplation, "it shall get fixed by using bitcoin" is a more proper answer. it is so fun thinking of questions when the answer is already known.
145 sats \ 6 replies \ @k00b 27 Sep
I turned on revenue for the ~bitcoin territory out of curiosity. If we extrapolate from the last week1, it's seriously in profit relative to territory fees:
  1. ... lightning is also nearly in profit. ↩
Well of course it’s bitcoin πŸ˜‚
@HODLR did a good thing de-archiving ~lightning then...
bitcoin and lightning are the same thing
71 sats \ 1 reply \ @k00b 27 Sep
Sharing a few new things I learned from the inflation:
  • People would change to whatever jobs offer a higher salary, and it's really bad for small businesses, e.g., my dentist's assistant resigned to somewhere that offers a higher salary then she ended up quitting the new place in 10 days, it's so bad that people would leave someone nice and willing to teach you anything to somewhere simply offer you high payment while ignoring anything else.
  • Another story is I got in touch with one guy working in the apartment I was living in, and seemingly MOST staff got changed, only he is still working there; he said that because the salary isn't high, so people changed jobs, but then I was like, but the residents are paying quite a lot of management fee monthly, where is all the money goes? My feeling is that some businesses will increase the price in the name of inflation ( -> more profit ), but the people who actually do the work and suffer the most get the least part of the cake.
Day #81 of nut 🌰 dropping πŸ₯œ in the Saloon
Want to harvest this nut?
A nutty Friday! 🌰
found @DarthCoin's ship!
look closer... :)
i zoomed in 10x and not sure if this is exactly what i saw, but it looks like this:
with background music:
Seeking permission to cross post content from medium to my territory
Maybe I can convince the writer to feature on my territory.
Day 281 of posting mining earnings from the day before: 878 sats on 26Sep2024! Running total: 188,465 sats!
day 57: 44 sats on 9-26-24. total 1943 sats!
we used to push electrons thru copper wires, waste most of them, and get mostly entropy in return. absolute madness!
I got your message @DarthCoin. I agree. They tell me PMs will be back for everyone soon.
we should start training some pigeons...
I actually saw people flying trained pigeons in formation on the rooftops of buildings in NYC as a kid. I always wanted to do that. I don't know if people still do it.
When will finish my citadel, I think I'm gonna do it because first of all, there's no radio or mobile signal there. And I have to do some complex installations to get that. And is not my priority rn. So in case of emergency, I could use a pigeon πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
A fine art to learn!
They also provide lots of good fertilizer for the garden.
It's friday!! 🀣
Enjoy your weekend Cowboys!
You too
wow you are quick today
Howdy howdy howdy
Congrats on getting here first.
Thanks. First for the first time cowboy’s 🀠