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Shower thought... but a question often posed to libertarians is who will build the roads. But I was thinking if the US gov were to go bankrupt and fold, in this era of drones and AI, what would be our hope against being captured and controlled by China?
Gunowners with simple rifles would pose little obstacle to modern robot and drone armies. Furthermore given we have had the highest standards of living in the world, I don't think we have the grit to maintain a guerilla resistance like the Vietnamese or fighters in the middle east.
Once captured, it seems that AI tools would easily allow them to implement a surveillance state that would allow them to quickly quell any rebellion. We don't hear much from HK or Russian protestors anymore...
It seems as we continue to debase the dollar and lose the ability to fund wars we also become extremely vulnerable to an overwhelming military force... all roads seem quite grim it seems.
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No one asked me if I wanted any roads in the first place!
The breakup of a country only works in the anarchism model if they ALL break down together. As it is, China would take over. So.... maybe don't be cheering for a breakdown of the US unless you prefer the other countries taking control more.
99 sats \ 1 reply \ @OT 27 Sep 2024
Why would China do that if the US became like a failed state? Just to make sure they would never recover again? I mean, what would happen to all the nukes in the US? Detonated remotely?
It is scary to think about a weapons technology that's an order of magnitude bigger than what exists today. If it were to get too lopsided towards a totalitarian regime it would be catastrophic.
I don't think the CCP is this though. A lot of their kids live and work in the US. The world is quite interconnected.
Ahh yes I guess nukes would be the final deterrent if still operational.
Why does the IMF/World Bank/China etc do poisoned deals in Africa etc? I'm sure if our state is failing they could find some way to profit if they can force an upper hand negotiating and areas of our country are desperate for handouts. Introduce debt and security deals etc until they own most of the country...
As a libertarian, I always fail to understand where the doubt on self defense comes from, exactly as with the question on "who will build the roads", for which the answer is the same in this case: defense is much a service as civil engineer, and since even right now all defense providers are from the private sector, in a libertarian world defense would be administered by subscription just like any other current defense system in the private sector: you build your defense proposal, and cover the ones who pay you. You will then say "but that could lead to have different defense partitions that could be hostile to each other precluding coordinated effort", and I would say "tell that to anyone in service and he will not be able to tell the difference with current status of matters".
At the moment, china has internal problems. I also see them attacking Taiwan before the USA, just as a test.
My faith.