By Zachary Yost "Despite a recent claim that a briefly-successful Ukrainian advance somehow translates into an ultimate Ukraine victory. The hard facts of the war tell us something different."
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"Ukrainian will and high morale mean that the war is as good as over and that Ukrainian triumph is “inevitable.”" I find this to be bs. I know a few people in Ukraine, and they talk about the struggle. Both sides are struggling a lot.
It's exactly the kind of nonsense someone would say if they were losing the war, but wanted people to keep sending supplies and money. I sure hope it comes to an end soon.
Russia only wants certain things of Ukraine, right?
My understanding is that they want Ukraine to relinquish control over the ethnically Russian provinces of Ukraine. Those areas have historically been part of Russia and are still culturally Russian, but more importantly they form a land connection to Crimea, which is enormously strategically important to Russia.
Does that land have many natural resources?
I don't know. If it did, I feel like that would have been part of the narrative.
True. I just feel there is something else there. Something the light hasnt shined upon yet. I cant put my finger on it.
There certainly might be, but I think the available explanations are sufficient for what's happened.