I often find myself in hard times because of boredom. It's for me is like a disease! Like something that I don't want but it shows up.
However looking around I see almost everyone has it. But it's also true that everyone knows a way out of it. I hope you also know the way out of boredom.
My simple way to be out of boredom is simply asking myself a few questions like Am I happy? Am I utilising my time? Am I moving towards my goals? And like that I shade whatever boredom I have.
I don't know if it's the best way but it works some of the times, not everytime. I'd love to know how stackers come out of the boredom. Is there a way that's probably universal! Perhaps, something that's universal, that works for everyone.
So, why not let's share with each other
What do you do when you get bored?What's your way to come out of boredom?
I generally watch a comedy dhoe or movie. They always work for me.
Put on a podcast and go for a walk. Also works for when the little one gets on my nerves. Which is rare, I really do try to cherish all the time I spend with her, as I know from experience it goes by quick, but occasionally I need a break.
11 sats \ 1 reply \ @k00b 26 Sep
read or make something
Make something like a dev thing or supporting in the kitchen?
It's impossible for me to get bored. always not boring, moving, hustling
It's good. I wish you never get bored.
11 sats \ 0 replies \ @gatto 27 Sep
long long walks, above all urban ones, with someone to chat. I started alone, then I convinced people to follow me, now it's something I do often: if someone wants to talk with me has to walk.
This is big deal for me. Sometimes anything works but sometimes nothing works. The last resort I've is to go on a long ride.
100 sats \ 0 replies \ @ChrisS 27 Sep
I struggle with this too. I’ve found having a hand written list of things to do when boredom hits helps me. Things like:
Walk Play the piano Read Play soccer Teach my kids the piano Read with my kids Teach my kids math Stretch Knees over toes exercise I should write more but can’t get over a mental block I seem to have.
I also like @User21000000 suggestion of calling someone you haven’t talked to in a while.
Things I try not to do are look at twitter, or any other mindless doom scrolling and other unproductive internet habits.
I sometimes try and trick myself into not falling into unhealthy unproductive habits by saying if I can check off every thing on my list for a given day then I give myself permission to indulge.
Watch the movie
Come on SN, of course!
Refresh the Leaderboard, etc haha
Go for a walk. Call someone you haven’t spoken to in a while family and friends. Podcast. Music
Do some pushups or journal for a little while. It always helps.