pull down to refresh

Hey, of course we got it to work on iOS, working on this since weeks and now it's public in appstores :)
Our support is extremely helpful, maybe your message was somehow missed - could you share some details what didn't work?
PS support@getalby.com is the best place for that!
I have the app and have had the app since the early email invite. The issue I have is when I open my Alby Hub and go to the app store there isn't Alby Go listed so I cant scan it for the app!
All apps can be connected via Connections - after all, marketplace is just sugestiong which app to connect via NWC, but it generates connections of same class.
You can find Alby Go under "Friends and family"
but its at top of the App Store
Sent an email. I have no idea if it is because my Hub is out of date or what but I talked with someone and then they stopped responding
It sometimes just get lost, we are quite small team and there is a lot various requests. Please ping if you won'g get answer