when i hear stories about the worst animal treatment, it tends to be from like rural asia or other generally poor countries.
in my case, i live in a village in Bulgaria and villages are just shit to animals in general, from leaving them on short chains all day, to old ladies poisoning cats with antifreeze, at that's just the start (i will say, by far the worst behavior is from gypsies, although the bulgarians are no angles ).
now, I'm from the UK and to me, and every European and Eastern European i have met have had a similar view point on animals and what is acceptable animal treatment etc
but the thing is, in the larger cities in Bulgaria, attitudes and better towards animals and it makes me wonder, are impoverished people so beaten down by life they simply have no compassion for animals?
maybe it's a lacking enlightenment thing? because in the UK, the people that are cruel to animals are just shit humans in general
what do you guys think? when i see kids with animals, they love them, it's like an inbuilt setting (apart from literal kids that grow up to be serial killers), so what has to happen in life to these people that they end up so cruel?