the sad part is socialism has these lofty goals and it ends up creating the most disgusting, soul-sucking economies.
how are things in Lima now? are you able to stack much?
Hello, the truth is that things in the capital of Peru are not all that good right now... in my opinion one of the main problems is the absence of a president... of a leader who can truly take charge of the country... there is a president but she does absolutely nothing... crime is rampant and taking over the country... and there is no response from the government... among other problems... economically it remains stable and in my case I allow myself to buy some sats with great effort every two weeks! and well while I comment and take advantage of the good information that you publish here on S.NšŸ‘
that sucks man, would you be able to move to another Latin American country if shit hit the fan there?
i like to have interesting conversations here with people, i dont know how useful it is, but if you can stack something while having a conversation, it's not bad i think lol
Well, from here in the south, no country attracts my attention anymore! If I had to make a decision of that magnitude, I think I would go to Costa Rica. I have several cousins who have been living there for several years now. They already have jobs and are stable!