In this process we uncovered five principles of PoS:
  1. PoS uses a negative (penalty-based) incentive structure.
  2. PoS is a permissioned system.
  3. PoS has no rules.
  4. PoS relies on subjective truth.
  5. In PoS, Money is Power.
Each of these principles has opposite behavior in PoW:
  1. PoW uses a positive (reward-based) incentive system.
  2. PoW is a permissionless system (anyone can start or stop mining at any time).
  3. In PoW, forks which change the rules get ignored.
  4. PoW relies on objective truth.
  5. In PoW, miners serve the users, and have little power themselves.
This was shared in another post, found here on SN:
TLDR on why it's essential for the future money of the world to be Proof-of-Work #70089 [Nitter]
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