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64 sats \ 41 replies \ @Solomonsatoshi 25 Sep 2024 \ on: The Whipping Boy of Modern Culture - CAPITALISM bitcoin
The Fiat monetary system is very explicitly NOT free market Capitalism.
Fiat monetary system empowers unelected bankers to arbitrarily set the price of capital and to disburse it toward those they choose to.
Fiat money undermines the private accumulation of capital via savings, by debasing the currency.
Fiat money as practised today is crony capitalism where the price, issuance and allocation of capital funding is controlled by state sponsored bankers.
The above may be what provokes some of the outcry against 'Capitalism' as what is being called Capitalism is a corrupted and manipulated distortion where the very core- capital itself, has been captured and controlled by private bankers.
Bitcoin immediately restores the incentives toward saving and thrift and fosters a free market in capital accumulation and allocation.
True. It does trip people up though because if you say what we have isn't free market instead of saying it is LESS free they start spinning. The socialist use this kind of ignorance by pointing to places like Sweden and calling them socialist. Instead of the truly socialist countries like Venezuela or the old Soviets. Freedom leads to prosperity. Even in places with massive welfare states. If the state was to abolish private property of stock markets the results would be terrible.
Imagine how much property there could globally with bitcoin killing fiat banker's games! It is truly hopeful.
How would a nation state on The Bitcoin Standard defend itself against a military attack from a nation state (lets say of otherwise identical economic size, population and resources) that uses fiat monetary system?
Surely if all other factors were equal the fiat nation state can leverage superior resources (via fiat debasement) and defeat The Bitcoin Standard nation state?
Bitcoin is to empower the sovereign individual and NOT the states.
A sovereign individual with Bitcoin will not need anymore any bullshit state.
Each individual will be his own "state".
Please watch these 3 parts of "The island", explaining all those aspects:
- part 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2pseCI0AxgM
- part 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3aSG0_trfp8
- part 3: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qs0wPTutJHQ
Bonus video: How to be a crook
You seriously believe that individuals will not need the security and protection of the nation state?
Have you seen Israel Palestine Lately?
Have you seen Ukraine Lately?
China? Who are funding both conflicts in a proxy war against the USA.
Are you serious?
Give me one example anywhere in human history of a jurisdiction where government was absent but where people could live secure and productive lives.
Just one?
You cannot.
You have much to learn... #586916
But you will never learn until you will be able to step out from the "state cage" mindset.
As I said many times, but people do not want to understand this powerful meme

When you will be capable to understand it, then we can talk. Until then... good luck in your state cage.
State cage mindset is a great phrase for it. It is a mental cage for sure.
@DarthCoin are you Nakamoto 😀 curiously this thinking is rare or do you have the "Bitcoin standard" because this what exactly I learnt
I am as free as I want to be- much freer than most people ~ who choose to be slaves.
The sad reality is most people do not want to be free because its hard work.
In terms of the state - the nation state is the geographical collective of people who act under collective rules and compete with other aggregations of people- they are the largest organised groups of people with a common territory and as such naturally compete against other groups.
Thinking you can discard that structure which has been at play since DNA and life began is naive.
Yes the state is a cage but also a protective and nurturing structure.
If you discard it you will be easy prey to the nearest despot.
You live in a nation state that has been largely successful in gaining resource wealth and hegemony over other peoples and territories- you are taking that fact and reality for granted.
There are whole books written on this topic. Chaos Theory by Bob Murphy is a good (free) one if you really are curious about what smarter people than I would say.
Truth is, no one really knows but the status quo isn't the "only way".
I am primarily interested in what you think and say. If your ideas come from these other people then summarise what you have learned from them and argue the issue at hand based on your understanding.
Here's the deal. Everything you are saying... I have heard for pretty much 25 years from progressives/democrats and conservative republicans. We need this big stick to keep the business in line. Blah blah blah. They get rich off the system. They are corrupt. The populace isn't smart enough to even reason about it.
This is why bitcoin is the answer. It doesn't require some philosophical debate or anything. Just greed. Just self preservation. It won't destroy the state but it does take a huge tool out of their hands.
The answer is to build something better and people vote with their actions/feet. Casting a vote isn't going to change the world but the day to day choices we make will. I'm not putting any faith in the state or democracy. But that's my take. I understand why most people don't see it that way. Its a journey.
If you do want to see what a smart economist that is very fair says about anarchy / stateless society read Bob Murphy. At the least you might come away with better questions or different questions.
I agree Bitcoin can hugely reduce the rentseeking that is currently destroying western democracies. The bankers have taken over our governments and Bitcoin directly undercuts their position. But even if Bitcoin succeeds in reducing the power of the banks there will still be the need for some regulation of other markets where otherwise private interest and greed will result inevitably in market fixing and price gouging.
Ha! I don't have the time to write up how x would work for you. I don't think you actually care. You want to argue. Its fine, we see it differently.
I didn't understand how an anarchy could work before looking at folks that had reasoned it out. Answering criticisms and questions I had.
Am here for contest of ideas in good faith.
My record demonstrates this.
Am not here for circle jerking Libertarian cult BS.
If you do not feel the good will and mental strength and confidence to engage in a contest of ideas - that is your loss - by default.
Would individuals consent to the government using their money to finance wars that do not benefit their countrymen if they owned their own money, savings, and spending?