
Over the last few years Cynthia Lummis has become a vocal advocate for Bitcoin. (and yes Crytpo as well) For what it is worth I want to take a deeper dive and try to find out who this Senator really is. Over the next few months years or whenever I get time I want to review each of the bills that became law that she had a hand in and see is she really on the side of freedom or just another neocon trying to keep USA citizens broke, poor, and sick.

Process review

My process for this will be quite simple. I will review here profile page here ( read about the bill that became law and assign the bill a score. The scoring rubric is as follows
5 - This law promoted 360 degrees of freedom. Bitcoiners around the world would champion this 4 3 2 1 - This bill is something straight out the communist/socialist playbook very anti freedom. Leads to forever wars endless spending and bad wellbeing for the american people
Since congress passes a lot of nonsense bills I will forgo scoring these bills. Give them a score of N/A. Lets get started with her first bill that became Pubic Law No: 111-86 (10/29/2009)

H.R.621 - Girl Scouts USA Centennial Commemorative Coin Act (111th Congress (2009-2010))

The Bill in summary

Girl Scouts USA Centennial Commemorative Coin Act - Directs the Secretary of the Treasury to mint and issue up to 350,000 $1 coins in commemoration of the centennial of the founding of the Girl Scouts of the USA. Requires the coin design to be emblematic of the centennial of the Girl Scouts of the United States of America.
Restricts issuance of such coins to calendar year 2013.
Subjects coin sales to a surcharge of $10 per coin.
Requires payment of such surcharges to the Girl Scouts of the United States of America for Girl Scout program development and delivery. Provides for examination by the Comptroller General of books, records, documents, and other data of the Girl Scouts as may be related to the expenditures of the amounts paid.

The Score (3/5)

This bill is pretty harmless. You can argue it increases privacy because they are minting physical currency and giving it a value of $1 that can be accepted as legal tender across the United States but only making 350,000 of these coins it is clear the goal here is to highlight the Girl Scouts and it appears to help them fund-raise with the payment of the surcharges going to the Girl Scouts. I gave it a three because this is pretty middle of the road. You could say this is commie in nature because funds are going to the Girl Scouts via a public fund raise of a coin but I think this is a noble cause. Empowerment young American girls to learn skills and build friendships is good thing. Cynthia being female herself I am glad she took action to help young children in the USA gain some skills. Nothing here screams Neo-Con, forever war, or busing the US budget. Good Job on this one Cynthia. I think most bitcoiners can agree with type of policy.
If anyone wants to add to this serious please feel free. The links to all of her bills that became laws are readily available. Thanks to @siggy47 for making this territory so this series can come to life on stacker news.
Take Care