I wanted the block height of my birth but then I remembered I'm older than Bitcoin.
You might get lucky in a few days perhaps ^^
There are others requesting this feature as well and it seems like the creator is working on it. But obviously, it will be an estimated/"virtual" block number then as it doesn't really exist ^^
  • [Request of the feature - in German]
  • [Answer - in German. Translated: "I love the idea! I'll add it"] -
LOL we need the memelords to make one with this quote. Is really good!
Worth pointing out that sometimes a block will have a timestamp that is earlier than the previous block.
This is because:
A timestamp is accepted as valid if it is greater than the median timestamp of previous 11 blocks, and less than the network-adjusted time + 2 hours. "Network-adjusted time" is the median of the timestamps returned by all nodes connected to you
In Bitcoin the main concept of time is block height, not timestamps. Every milestone in the network(halving, difficulty adjustment, etc) is defined by this, not by the time we normally use, which is just an approximation.
Also worth noting that devices that use the unix timestamp as signed integers will have issues in the year 2038, but Bitcoin uses unsigned ints for this, so it will be an issue in the year 2106 instead. More details about this here. Note that this will happen before the last mining reward is sent, which will happen approximately in the year 2140.
You might want to check the database, as I was not able to get anything from after 2020.
Check this:
curl "https://blocktimesite-default-rtdb.europe-west1.firebasedatabase.app/blocktime/blocktimes.json?orderBy=%22mediantime%22&startAt=1647654660&endAt=1647658260"
Stilly early days of this project. Here's the creator sharing it. The database is still getting built. More recent blocks are not yet synched I guess.
What is this? HTML for ants? On my screen the text is so small I had to zoom 300% to read something because of text size and text contrast
This is very useful. More than once I wanted this functionality.