From Mark Moss
Every four years, we hear the same story: ‘This election will change everything for the stock market!’ But... what if I told you that might be one of the biggest myths in finance?
In fact, data shows the market performs almost exactly the same no matter who's president. Surprising, right? Well, that’s just the tip of the iceberg.
Today, we’re diving deep into the truth behind who really controls the stock market and why you might be worrying about the wrong things when it comes to your portfolio.
They always promise the world and under deliver.
If they ran on 50% stock market returns, people would probably think that sounds pretty good.
If they just delivered on what they promise, it would be nice.
Horton's Law: Politicians only keep their bad promises.
The more years I get under my belt the less important this popularity contest seems.
Haven't you heard? This is the most important one.
I'm inoculated against this programming.