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Calling all stackers!
Leave a comment below to let the SN community know what you're working on this week. It doesn't matter how big or small your project is, or how much progress you've made.
Just share what you're up to, and let the community know if you want any feedback or help.
I had to pause the RF communications system to implement an SMS notification system. The system must also be able to receive orders via sms. Our controller must be able to communicate with the sms gateway via http post/get.
This might send shockwaves amongst the entire SN community and completely ruin my reputation but I am actually interviewing for a p/t contract gig tomorrow. Only 10 hours a week, so I will ensure it doesn't interfere with my SN posting and trolling time. Want some extra income to do some things around the house but still be able to keep up my daily DCA but gotta keep my priorities straight. Family, stacking sats, trolling on SN, then fiat income.
What kind of contract gig? I mean, what kind of work?
Just helping a local business that owns a number of franchises with some operational/compliance stuff.
Cool, sounds right up your alley
Should be. Just part time. A lot of flexibility in schedule. We will see how it goes after tomorrow.
The priorities are well sequenced.
Continue to write about our adventure and reveal our travel project we've been wondering about for a while. Check it out if you'd like. https://x.com/travelwbitcoin
We'd like to highlight bitcoin-preferred tour operators around the world and share their stories so we can experience our sats.
Last mile on non-custodial payment action UX. Trying to remove the exposed lagginess in communication rounds.
Also, lots of code review.
If I have time for it this week, badges/gamification for using attached wallets.
this week i am removing a huge pile of weeds from the garden and uprooting more weed bushes. if there is clutter in our heads, we can start with decluttering the surroundings. as above, so below; as within, so without.
Keep on trolling, talking about Bitcoin and stacking sats on SN and be with my wife 24×7 for the next 30 days, keeping her happy and healthy before she goes into labour.
Well for me I'm currently looking for a job ...I haven't been lucky to get one tho I'm pushing on...
Resilience is key
Writing my cvs lol... doesn't seem much but I'm trying
Working on trying to remember what I was working on/going to do 3 weeks ago before I completely disconnected from anything work for vacation
A free and open source broker for Bitcoin swaps to decentralise Boltz business.
Been working on setting up a new project using devcontainers
I'll be driving most of the time from east to west at least twice and around 3000 kms within the week.
Taking the kids out to the beach or river to get some nature into them before the school holidays finish and the zoo as well
Finding ways to improve the ~Design territory
I’m in Italy, Lake Garda for a work related jaunt
This week I'm starting to see the first part of what it's really like to start trading and I've already started with the first concepts of graphics... liquidity... and seeing them reflected in the same graph! I must confess that it's quite difficult at first... but if I do my part I'll achieve it!💪 I must confess that I am very excited!!