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We're up early caring for our dog post op. She got neutered yesterday. She was pretty groggy last night, sort of high on painkillers. Doggy oxys my daughter calls them. This morning she's more her old self. We have to undo her surgisuit for peeing and pooping. It's quite a procedure.
Dogs recover quickly, in a few days she'll be fine, I hope!
Yes, I think so. I've had many female dogs, and the recovery from neutering is usually quick. They used to have to wear a big, clunky collar to prevent the dog from licking the stitches. The dogs hated them. They were always bashing into things. Now they have these modern suits. More comfortable and practical.
I don't think our dog had either. I guess they just assumed she'd be sufficiently healed by the time the drugs wore off. She was completely zombified for a couple days.