Every Fall ragweed absolutely skullf*cks me, typically worse at night. Local honey hasn't seemed to help and I'm popping allergy pills like m&m's. My insurance sucks and I'm suffering beyond belief so an immunologist is out of the question.
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I have allergies and sometimes they turn into migraines. flush your nose every morning using a neti pot. I barely get either anymore.
Neti pot is a good idea, I'll have to get 1 and try it out.
I was going to recommend local honey. It's not a great acute remedy though. At least as I understand it, local honey helps build up your immunity over time to local potential allergens.
My other recommendation would be to eat a bunch of strongly anti-inflammatory foods, like hot peppers, garlic, and onion, while cutting out any highly inflammatory foods (basically carbs and peanuts).
Yea I should cut down on the carbs a bit again.
popping allergy pills
stop doing that for starters, that stuff is industrial poison that just makes you react more over time by scrambling your histamine receptors
No one is really that allergic to nature, just need to detox from fiat chemicals
Yes and no, I've had bad allergies since I was young.
Me too, got tested for a violent grass allergy as a kid... sinul polyps and all that
Hasn't been a problem since I focused on eating animals that eat grass more
That's super interesting, how much more of an uptick in your meat consumption would you say there was?
"Meat" probably not a huge percentage because I always had a lot of pork or poultry, but now its like 90% beef 10% poultry (and 99% less seed oil which surely was causing compounding inflammation and histamine response)
I get allergies, too. I have found that if I wear an n95 mask, it seems to help a lot. It sucks having to wear it, but just try it during the bad days. I have also found that if you drink sumac juice, it helps a lot. Something to do with the antioxidants.
I will literally never wear a mask indoors again lol