Another great guide.
You are single handedly saving SN some major misery. Shame they aren’t rewarding you for it.
Who know maybe they are... Anyway for me is a learning experience, and I'm testing all this connection so it's great! Thanks for all your support and feedback, just that is an incentive for me to write and share more.
That's a positive way of looking at it. Don't mind me I am just grouchy about a few things relating to SN lately. I said last week I was just going to mind my own business and here I am a few days later breaking my own rules. For shame grayruby, for shame.
🤣 that's love 🧡⚡️
Haha 😅 You achieve greatness when you break the rules.
I raised it the day before and got a simple innocent answer, we haven't put up the bounty yet.
Ok but not putting up the bounty yet doesn’t preclude from rewarding the people doing the work.
Yes, definitely. But what can we do except zapping the post with whatever we can.
The bounties will be helpfull to get some directions on what to write about. I was feeling stackers were not using this amazing feature, so I thought it could be worth to write about the "attach wallet" functionality. It could also help SN to achieve its goal to be a non-custodial platform.