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you are so close to get the "shitcoiner badge"... but still something tells me you are not such worth it.
Improve your posting... it is your last chance.
For future judgment i just want you to know that my portfolio is 90% Bitcoin, with the rest of 10% is my own personal pleasure of everyday accumulation of daily free bitcoin.
I do not care about a "90% portfolio". I want to see 1000% "portfolio". I do not care about any portfolio... "portfolio" for me it means fiat mindset. It means GTFO.
I do not care about how much BTC you stacked. I care about your mindset.
Well this “mindset” helped me accumulate a lot of free bitcoin and still works because “psychology of the market” it’s pretty much the same, we will see changes probably in 28/32 halving cycles. Till then my “mentality” accumulates free bitcoin, that is my game and is my own business what I do, you don’t need to orange pill me, i understand your mentality but you had different opportunities that you seem to don’t realize and contradict with the cost of oportunity (but this is other talk) I have to go, my fiat girl wait me.
Then... if you continue on this page...