i'm not telling anyone to run a routing node. i don't, but i could. it takes time, patience, and alot of learning. and it's changing every day. it can be done, but a person new to lightning should definitely not expect to be able to run a profitable routing node.
sure. i'm not disagreeing with that. just saying, my original comment was about whether it was possible or not, and it is. it's not the hardest thing in the world, but like most things, it takes work and education.
yep, you said the magic word... education. That most of noobs just ignore it and just want quick gainz... LN is not about gainz, the whole point of Bitcoin actually is not about gainz. Is about FUCK THE BANKS. LN was created because transacting onchain is too slow and fucking the banks were slow. So we've said: let's do it faster (fuck the banks) and hit them exactly where it hurts, in their balls (payment system). LN is a payment network and Bitcoin onchain is a settlement system. Once the noobs will understand that, is game changer.