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Other Forms of Law:

There are many different forms of law, almost too many to list each one in detail, and the very idea of so many laws can be daunting, however when it is realised that the word “Law” is in fact referring to “colour of law” then things become much more clear.
If a document is only “colour of law” then it is not law at all, but only functioning as law if agreed upon.
In layman’s terms, they are not laws at all but policies, requiring your signature, and consent to have any authority over you.
Here are some examples:
Banking Law | Commercial Law | Corporate Law | Criminal Law | |Employment Law | Environment Law | EU Law | Family Law | Human Rights Law | Insurance Law | Media Law | Public Law | Shipping Law | Sports Law | Tax Law | Administrative Law | Bankruptcy Law | Civil Rights Law | International Law | Immigration Law
When you replace the world Law with Policy, the deception is easy to see.
Is not a case there are so many eh…