Hustle drinks instant coffee from 7/11
He scoops the coffee into a black coffee cup with his fingers (never knows how much gets actually gets inside.....the strength of the coffee is always a surprise) He then adds honey milk and hot water. He mixes the coffee with this frothing thing his wife bought.
He repeats this process 3-4 times a day.
Might as well just dry scoop, chew and swallow JK
Why instant coffee, simply because it's quick?
Wild is a simple hustle.
He could dedicate 30 minutes to online shopping, sorting through advice and guides to discover a more optimal coffee setup, but he's not sure if it would be time well spent. Instant coffee checks all of his boxes, its cheap, available and tastes ok.
He's not looking for coffee to blow his socks off, thats what Bitcoin/SN/Nostr is for.
And funny sidebar
Might as well just dry scoop, chew and swallow
He sometimes licks the instant coffee off of his scooping finger, so....the "dry scoop" method isn't too much of a stretch.
PB = instant coffee
That guy gets it