fuck yeah
why "yeah?" How this is so good for you? I do not understand why people are cheering up for such bullshit news.
Bitcoin empowers the INDIVIDUAL and not the states. If you live in such place like Buhtan, please enlighten me how you will get those sats, for you, for your own financial sovereignty?
All this bullshit mania with "x country / state is buying / mining BTC" is a total crap trap.
its good for me because i know theyre a small, poor state and my hope is that it helps them become more independent and less reliant on international leeches
and yeah because its bitcoin the US state and Wall Street can't get their filthy hands on
and yeah because they mined it themselves
its good for me because i know theyre a small, poor state
What is that bullshit with "poor state"? There are poor people not states...
because its bitcoin the US state and Wall Street can't get their filthy hands on
And who is really getting those BTC? the poor people of Buhtan? No! The royals of Buhtan that will not give anything in return to the poor people, not even a single sat. Don't fool yourself!
because they mined it themselves
With who's effort and resources?
WHO is the REAL beneficiary of that stash mined?
not the US, not Wall Street, not the ETFs, not Saylor
Hey man, I saw the TV show called BONES, it was awesome!
yeah for sure
Its amazing that they were doing it so silently. Good on them!
why is "good on them" ? Please explain for who is good ?