Chapter Three Some of the most common cows
There are different kinds of cows. Although they all have the same characteristics, they come in different shades. Below I want to share some of the most common cows I have encountered. I am not writing them here for you to adopt, but to help you identify your own cows so you can get rid of them.
  1. The “mediocrity-justifying” cows -I am fine... There are others in worse circumstances. -I hate my job, but I should be thankful that at least I have it. -I may not have the best marriage in the world, but at least we are not fighting every day. -We may not have much, but at least we do not lack food. -I barely passed the course, but at least I did not fail it. Maybe it is time to accept that I am not as smart as others.
  2. The “it’s not my fault” cows -For the little education I had, I haven’t done so badly. It’s a shame my parents didn’t have more vision. -If my parents hadn’t divorced, maybe I would have done better. -My problem is that my husband doesn’t support me. -My problem is that my wife is very negative. -It’s just that in this country there is no support for entrepreneurs. -I have good intentions but with this economy, well… no way. -What happens is that I didn’t have teachers who motivated me to get ahead.
  3. The cows of false beliefs: -Since my father was an alcoholic, I’m sure I’m going there. -Well, I haven’t wanted to have a lot of money because money corrupts. -The more you have, the more you are a slave to what you have. -The rich are unhappy and the more they have, the less happy they are with what they have.
  4. The cows who try to excuse the inexcusable: -I don't have a single free minute left. -The thing is that women have it twice as hard as men. -I don't want to start until I'm absolutely sure. -I'd like to read more, but I don't have time. -I don't want to start until I know how to do it perfectly.
  5. The cows of impotence: -The thing is that I've never been good at it. -Success isn't for everyone. -Unfortunately, my problem is genetic. There's nothing I can do. -What one doesn't learn as a child is very difficult to want to learn as an adult. -My problem is that I'm very shy. I think this runs in the family since my mother was like that too.
  6. The Philosophical Cows: -I haven't acted, because I'm one of those who believe that if we're going to do something, we either do it well or we don't do it at all... and right now I don't think I can do it as well as I'd like. -If God wants me to succeed, He will show me the way. We have to wait patiently. -What can be done? Some people were born with a lucky star and others were born with a bad star.
  7. The Self-Deception Cows: -The day I decide that I want to stop smoking, I'll stop without any problem. It's just that I didn't want to. -It's not that I like to leave everything to the last minute, it's just that I work better under pressure. -The important thing is not to win but to have taken part in the game. (What a cow!)…
The brown cow that makes chocolate milk. I told that to my kindergarten students! I told them to tell their parents. @cryotosensei lol
My son n I just devoured chocolate ice cream lol
I don't have a single free minute left
This is always my favorite. You spend 100% of your time only doing productive things?? Congratulations! You're one in a billion!
When this obvious lie is laid bare I say: start saying - I haven't prioritized it and it'll motivate you to change.
I attribute my success to this: I never gave or took an excuse. -Florence Nightingale
0 sats \ 1 reply \ @OT 23 Sep
Poor cows. Why are they cows by the way?
@DarthCoin you have to teach me to put the previous chapters in each publication, Jjjj.
This book is based on the story of The Cow that owned a poor family. I recommend reading chapter 1. It's very interesting.
hahahaha very good examples! Thanks, reading this book, makes you think a lot about your life....