China could displace the US/West within 5 years. The wars in Ukraine and middle east are proxy wars between the West and China. The trend on most fronts is toward increased Chinese dominance and continued decline of The West. Today China builds 50% of global shipping- The US builds 2% The Chinese navy is rapidly approaching US strength and on current trends will surpass it this decade. China is gaining Russian military tech including submarine tech as Russia is now dependent upon China for trade and banking.
30 sats \ 1 reply \ @TomK OP 23 Sep
Right. And there's no real public debate of how to position for example the EU within this shift of geopolitics. Only answer: more cheap money
Yes the days of science engineering and productivity being prime drivers of western politics are sadly long since passed. In contrast in China the vast majority of the politburo are trained engineers. The Chinese recognised and adopted the importance of engineering to economic progress while in the West it became taken for granted as a new creed of financial engineers became the new 'wealth creators' under neoliberalisms crony capitalism. In the West the most powerful engineers now are the financial engineers who work for the banks who in turn own most of the politicians. They add no value- they are simply parasitic rentseekers steadily undermining the competitive advantage the west once enjoyed.