The guinea pig is used to prepare one of the most popular and typical dishes in Peru.
One of the things I love about Peru is how cheap and delicious the fruits and vegetables are.
I wanted to take more photos outside the market but I risked having my phone stolen. Gamarra is a very popular market in Peru, where you can get cheap food and clothes, but it is also a bit of a dangerous place.
this territory is moderated
Hello, it's very brave of you to go there taking a photo, I take my hat off 🤠 in an act of respect to you. These types of popular markets are places full of chaos and disorder, and often full of people who seek to make an easy living by taking what doesn't belong to them. On the other hand, I would like to point out that they are also places full of honest and hard-working people. I do my shopping for the week in a similar market. Another favorable detail is that in these markets the prices of the products are usually lower.
Phone stolen? Why?
No, luckily not, but it is very common in these places, it is better to be cautious. What I meant was that I wanted to take more pictures but I was afraid of being robbed, so I didn't.
Damn okay