This is man’s greatest question… I have found all of life’s questions through the Bible. The reasons for evil in the world, man’s purpose, love etc.
At the end of the day, you have to seek knowledge. Did Jesus rise from the dead? Without question. Not only answered in the scriptures, but also outside of it throughout historical books. If Jesus was raised from the dead, then everything he claimed, stated, commanded is true! Jesus is the only way to be right with God.
I read “Case for Christ” by Lee Strobel years ago. It challenged me and all of my questions and worldviews as the author traveled down the same path as an atheist. I recommend this to start with although there are many good books. Cheers
I seek to release all knowledge. There is nothing in a book that will teach me about my truth. Why is it "without question" that Jesus rose from the dead? And was there not other stores of reincarnation? For me death is an illusion. We are all one. We have always been and always will be. There is no separation from "GOD" and I. Or you and I. Or man and animal. It's all the same. Always and forever. This can't be taught. It must be experienced.